Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The first time

The first time...
I was in the loo one particular Sunday with the weekend paper's usual lift out magazine. There was a small statistical article (i love those!) stating that something like 91% of internet users have a blog. Well guess what? Make that 91.000000000001%, 'cos my friend Amy's just introduced me to it. And you're reading it.... anyway, well... i'm excited!!! It's pretty cool, i love the idea of coming back 12 months later and reading my sometimes insane, but mostly inert mind these days. Just my kinda therapy - lonely and self-obsessive.

It is a warmish, unusual Wednesday for April. It's usually freezing cold now in Melbourne, but for some reason it's warm warm warm. And we've been having this sort of weather for the last 14 days, with the occasional cold mornings. But it's just strange - i've always had this thing with the weather. I never know what it's gonna be next. Hey, maybe that's why we have the Weather Bureau Statistics.

Okay, so i'm tired. From doing nothing all day. Work is monotonous, and i'm been trying to stretch my last half hour at work by pretending to be really absorbed by what I'm doing (but i'm acutally typing this!). Well, guess what? The boss is never getting this URL!

Success! There's 1 minute till i pack my bags. So i guess this is it for now.

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